Truth House is a life recovery refuge for women. The minimum commitment is 90 days and up to 24 months is an option. The length of times varies by participant. Truth House offers hope and rehabilitation to a variety of women. This recovery program is for women coming out of abusive situations, suffering from addictions and other co-dependent issues.
Aspects of the program include room and board, all meals, transportation, job skill training and individual weekly counseling sessions. Programming also includes five weekly group sessions: Intense Substance Abuse, Boundaries, Truth Steps, Life Recovery and Anger Management.
Since opening in 2015 we have had over 53 Truth House participants and 26 graduates (as of January 2019). Of the 21 graduates 80% are living substance free, healthy lives.
We are currently working on two additional homes and we need your support to complete them. These additional homes will help more than 40 women at a time. We need your support. To donate please scroll down to the donate button.