Holy Grounds Cafe and Gathering Place is the most recent addition to the Cross Roads Reconciliation family of programs. The cafe opened in April of 2018 with a twofold purpose ~ as an additional avenue of funding for the ministries' programs and as a means of provision for the Truth House ladies. While Truth House provides a place to live and to recover, the coffee shop affords the ladies a place to learn job skills as well as to deal with the public. They are able to save their tips toward rent money for the day they complete the program and leave Truth House. "Every penny supports the Cross Roads Truth House and all tips are split between those that are Truth House and those who work here."
Holy Grounds Cafe and Gathering Place serves different kinds of coffee, with beans from Aromas in Williamsburg. Teas, Boar's Head meats and Hershey ice cream round out the sandwich, salad, and dessert menus.